About us

Domain Trading Marketplace is the place for finding the perfect domain name for...

Your Business, Your Brand, & Your Personality!


Domain Trading Marketplace is a domain trading platform for buying and selling premium domain names.

All the domains are valuable, with their value increasing over time; especially in growing markets such as cryptocurrency, ai, trading, POD and veganism.

.com domains are the most sought-after domains on the internet plus the most valuable as they are global. Showing that you are a true business, and a business that customers can trust.

The domain names in the marketplace are often keyword rich so matching what the customers are searching for in Google. The benefits of keyword rich domain names are multifold. For as well as bringing confidence to the customer that your business matches the customers requirement, it also brings more traffic, more customers to your business and saves your advertising costs over time.

If you are a manufacturer of vegan hummus then having the domain name VeganHummus.com will build a sense of trust and quality with your customers, as well as helping customers find and choose your brand of Vegan Hummus over all the other brands.

Let’s look at an example:

5400 people search Google every month for the keyword phrase: ‘Los Angeles Recording Studios’ To advertise on Google using this phrase costs $3 every time someone clicks on your advert. So imagine if your business was a recording studio in Los Angeles and you were paying for Google PPC advertising, every month you would be spending about $5400 on advertising. This is based on an average of 1 in 3 visitors clicking your advert. Now to rank on Google for the keyword Los Angeles Recording Studios is easy as there is very low competition, hence owning the domain name: LosAngelesRecordingStudios.com would save $64,800/year, and over 10 years $648,000. So, as you can see owning this domain name would be is a valuable asset.

Save advertising on Google Adwords and get a keyword-rich domain name today!

Build trust with your customers, a website with a keyword rich domain name builds trust and leads to higher conversion and sales.

Enjoy Owning A Domain Name That Fits With 

Your Business, Your Brand & Your Personality!


As well as domain names, we do also offer the following services:

  • Online Success Stragegy Sessions
  • Build Websites
  • Website Hosting & Backup Plan
  • Email Creation
  • Google Advertising
  • Claiming Google Business Map Listings

Please contact directly for further information.

Founder & CEO

Jo Ward is the founder & CEO of Domain Trading Marketplace. Having worked online since 2006 and traded domain names since 2010. Jo currently resides in the UK and enjoys seeing the domain names coming to life as new websites and businesses, bringing much success to their new owners. 


Having a good domain name is crucial for any business, as it serves as the digital front door to your online presence. A well-chosen domain name can significantly impact your brand, visibility, and overall success. One of the primary benefits of a strong domain name is that it enhances brand recognition. A domain that aligns with your business name or industry helps customers remember and associate your brand with relevant products or services. This recognition fosters trust and credibility, which are essential factors in attracting and retaining customers.

Moreover, a good domain name can boost your search engine rankings. Search engines often consider domain names when determining the relevance of a website to particular search queries. An apt domain name that incorporates relevant keywords can improve your website's visibility and increase organic traffic. This, in turn, can lead to higher conversion rates and a more significant impact on your bottom line. Additionally, a memorable domain name makes it easier for customers to find and revisit your website, fostering repeat business and encouraging word-of-mouth referrals.

A good domain name also lends itself to effective marketing and branding strategies. Short, catchy, and easy-to-spell domain names are more likely to be shared across various platforms, amplifying your reach and exposure. Social media shares, email marketing, and offline advertising efforts are all enhanced by a compelling domain name that sticks in people's minds. Ultimately, investing in a good domain name is an investment in your business's long-term success, providing a solid foundation for growth, visibility, and customer engagement in the ever-expanding digital landscape.